Grapes and raisins are harmful to dogs and may induce abrupt renal failure. You should never feed your dog grapes or raisins. While humans can metabolize flavonoids, tannins, and monosaccharides from grapes, dogs cannot.
Fully ripened tomatoes are safe for dogs, however the plant's greens and unripe tomatoes may contain solanine, which can be harmful in high numbers.
This is well-known, but why is chocolate poisonous to dogs? Methylxanthines in chocolate can upset a dog's metabolism and damage its digestive tract. Large doses of dark chocolate, pure cocoa, or cacao can cause seizures, abnormal heartbeat, or death in dogs.
No part of the avocado is good for your dog to eat since persin causes vomiting and diarrhea. The avocado's exterior, peel, and leaves contain the most persin, but the mushy inside is still too high for your dog.
Cyanide in cherry plants is hazardous to people and pets. Cherry meat does not contain cyanide, but dogs cannot pit or remove the stem, so avoid giving them cherries if you can.
Dogs should never eat garlic, onions, leeks, chives, or other Allium vegetables. Giving your dog a bite of one of these vegetables or letting him lick the floor scraps requires caution.
It should be evident that dogs should never drink alcohol. It may be cute or humorous to let your dog try your wine or beer, but never do it purposefully or rationalize it by saying "oh, it's okay." It pleases him!”