Foods with More Sugar Than a Twinkie

One eight-ounce serving of apple juice includes 31 grams of sugar, nearly as much as Twinkies, according to the USDA. Apple juice includes no fat, low salt, and potassium, an essential element.

Many yogurts are unexpectedly sugary. FAGE Total 2% Honey split cups provide 28 grams of sugar. Several Yoplait flavors have 22 grams or more sugar. Added and natural sugars in milk and fruit make up the sugar.

Who doesn't like a sweet muffin in the morning? They're portable and come in several flavors. Depending on the muffin, they have a lot of added sugar.

Health professionals recommend beet juice for athletes to decrease blood pressure and increase blood flow. However, USDA data shows that certain sweetened variants have 22 grams of sugar per 1 cup serving, more than a Twinkie bar.

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In addition to peaches' natural sugars, canned fruit is sweetened with syrup and sugar. A one-cup serving of canned peaches in syrup has 49 grams of sugar, more than Twinkies, according to USDA nutrition data.

Black coffee is low in calories and sugar. Only 7 calories and zero grams of sugar per cup. Coffee beverages at your local java shack are different.

Tomato soup, a grilled cheese sandwich companion, has several sugars. Campbell's Creamy Tomato Soup in a microwaveable container has 27 grams of sugar and 850 milligrams of salt.