Nobody Brings the Best Potluck Desserts

Delightful Chocolate Chip Cookies A simple chocolate delight recipe for any gathering, this pan always comes home empty. 

Chocolate-Pecan Meringue Bars I combined my long-standing chocolate chip cookie and pecan meringue recipes to make these bars!

Currant Custard Bars The brief bread crust, rhubarb, and custard layers motivate others to find rhubarb to make their own.

Brownie Bourbon Bite Simple, fun sweets with chocolate and chopped pecans. Make a double batch to share and enjoy!

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Apple Fritter Cake I experimented with beer bread as a dessert and made this delicious apple fritter cake.

Snickerdoodle caramel bars With caramel, a favorite ingredient, this snickerdoodle-blondie hybrid was even better.

Cannoli Dip Making cannoli filling and breaking up ice cream waffle shells for "chips and dip" was a smash! It tastes wonderful warm too.